Friday, February 26, 2010

Building a happy relationship

I was on facebook just now and that's what I have read from a friend's note. "It was about an article," she writes, "written by T. Selva, The Star’s Sunday Metro Editor. Titled “To love and to cherish”, he talked about good relationships and how to maintain them. At first glance, I thought “What the heck, anyone can write something like that”. But as I read on, I realised how much I could relate to what he wrote."

Tips to build a happy relationship :

• Be willing to change.
• Be honest to your spouse / partner.
• Avoid competition between the two of you.
• Both must complement each other.
• Avoid being possessive and selfish.
• Be kind, gentle, patient and loving.
• Keep romance alive in your relationship / marriage.
• Say sorry if you have made a mistake.
• Be supportive in whatever he or she does.
• Have integrity and this will gain honor.
• Be a good listener, pay attention, and be open.
• Give surprises as it adds tonic to the romance.
• Cracking jokes helps to build a cheerful relationship.
• Never bring past problems and unpleasant incidents.
• Develop compassion for your partner and yourself.
• Know the likes and dislikes to shape the relationship.
• Exercise sweetness of speech and never use harsh words.
• Treat your spouse / partner the way you would like to be treated.
• Leave little notes for him or her when you miss each other.
• Express appreciation by saying thank you even for everyday things.
• Practice forgiveness as sometimes mistakes are made unintentionally.

A good list of small actions to be done with great love. As I read further, I thought, this list shouldn't be meant only for the couples! It is more to a guideline that teaches us how to live harmoniously with others and establish happy relationships with people around us. Be them our friends, family members, or just the strangers that come into our life.

• Be willing to change.
• Be honest to your friends and family members.
• Avoid competition between you and your friends.
• Avoid being possessive and selfish.
• Be kind, gentle, patient and loving to them.
• Say sorry if you have made a mistake.

And the list goes on. If you feel lonely and lament for too few friends to be by your side, think of this. To build a happy relationship, it always start from giving. Giving truthfully to the others, but not asking for return in the first place.

Somehow, there is this one last sentence which is dedicated only for the loved ones:

“A good relationship blossoms when two people decide to share instead of trying to change each other. ”


Saturday, February 20, 2010






这部戏真的超好看的!!言承旭真的有演技上的几大突破!!!没想到顶天立地的我竟然爱上帅气的他了!! >.< 哈哈,再让我疯多几天,相信假以时日我的“剧情烧”会减退的!我是Jerry 的fans 了!haha~~

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Muahahah...I am not blowing my own trumpet! This is the most solid proof:

hehehehehe. Now I know that my cooker can "officially" stay in my room because I forgot to hide it during the room audit day. But everything turns out to be fine! hehehe. My room is in good order! sth to be proud of~ =P

Monday, February 15, 2010

Blue Diet

Saw it from a blog!!! OMG i think it is quite true:
Guess why the logo of most of the fast food restaurants are in either red or yellow colours? They actually make you feel hungry! And it is said that the blue colour, conversely, have the opposite effect on your appetite!

I was stunned by this news ( perhaps an old one!)

To prove this out, i did google a bit about the issue and it seems there is a real fact behind it.
Some Japan companies actually produce Blue diet glasses, and as you put on the glasses to eat yr meal, you will tend to eat less.

Let's see what did one of the buyers say about the blue glasses:

"And besides the relaxation, there’s the blue color — of the food you’re eating, if you actually wear them during a meal. FTF knew that blue is a color that rarely occurs in nature. If you see food in a blue tint, I think your body naturally sends out warning signs. Most foods that are blue are spoiled and rotten and unappetizing.

My main complaint is that, while the glasses might have some effectiveness, it was hard to discipline myself to remember them for each meal. Maybe blue contact lenses are the answer. If you are into gadgets and new ways to control your diet and relax, go ahead and try out blue glasses. But as far as I’m concerned, nothing beats good old exercise and nutritious food as a daily regimen."

Can't help agree with what she has said. A rational user. Hmm~ Btw, the blue food on the picture really makes me lose my appetite and feelvomitting!!

And this reminds me that I will have at least 20 minutes of healthy walking every day starting from October this year! Although unexpectedly I've got a seemingly "strange" room, I really love the whole house,its garden, its view, the kitchen, the quiet community.. and enjoy living with a bunch of close friends too! ^_^ The house is located in an area which is collectively known as Bear flat. Bear bear,I love you~

And ya, my mum will be surely surprised that I can roll over a double bed from South to North in UK!!! Hahahaha...Hope everything will be fine!

Monday, February 8, 2010

heppi heppi 过新年~~

华人新年要到了,英国这里一片“愁云惨雾”,一点新年气息也没有,更何况是没有唐人街的Bath~~~ 没想到顶天立地的我,竟然败在华人新年的手上,我,我。。。。我竟然想家了!所以大家的感受,我明白,也能体会得到。但是新年是华人必庆的佳节耶,所以在外国也应该高高兴兴地庆祝!


以前得闲的我爱在新年前用红包作吊饰和金鱼来布置屋子,今年家里可就少了一些手工艺品了~ 想到这里,突然也很想布置一下卧室!虽然我红包一封也没有,颜色纸少得可怜,可是这不能阻止我的创意无限~ 看我怎么化废纸为玉帛!

hehehehe...体会新年的喜悦* 好高兴好高兴!^^

看,我们semester 2 的时间表是不是长得好夸张叻!但是,新的学期,新的aspirations,新的目标,让人为之振奋,给人信心,给人希望,重新出发去实践梦想!我们也要以“新”的开放的心,欢喜地迎接新的知识,精彩的生活,这样生活才过得充实,不像之前懒洋洋的我回顾一周就这么走了!

大家,新年快乐噢~~ 过个好年!^_^


嘿嘿,朋友们,是不是对我的“消失” 有点匪夷所思?哈哈,没有啦,自从上次从曼城回来后,想好好利用剩下几天让纷飞的心情沉静下来,充分准备进入开学的状态。。然后,我就越睡越迟越来越懒。。越来越如如不动地坐在电脑面前。。。结果反而充分准备让自己进入“holiday mode”了!Dudu 讲我的inertia很大,实在是太precise 的形容词了!!

Btw,上个拜五我们还是有出去city逛逛街,买买菜啦。这次出城,便想以旅人的心态探索Bath的美丽~ 自从上次去了曼彻斯特的图书馆后,才惊觉原来小小的bath也有一粒,实在惭愧!于是我们那天终于远征了bath的central library!! 果然也是小小的,不过却有很多故事书,是dudu的阅读天堂!我们赶紧去申请图书卡,然后就可以免费借20本书了,呵呵。

可是我没有借啦,不然以后要跟她抢饭碗了。最后我借了几本做dessert 和pasta 的cookbook, hehe.

After that, dudu 撇下我去她的accesorize,我就走去butchery买排骨煲汤。一路上看到几个好厉害的街头艺人:

@.@ ~~ 千万别因为看到我而分心啊!


走着非平日的路线,看看蓝天白云,风光明媚。如果每当走路时,我不停地思绪,待会儿要买什么啦,什么东东烦着我啦~~ 四年后,我才在相簿中怀念着城市的美丽,这城市的奥妙,那是多么可惜呀!能来到这里,不容易,所以我珍惜!