Wednesday, December 29, 2010

From Venus

I am back.
Have lots of things to write about but for now, I'd just say what I did today.
Finally, after the whole summer and 2nd year first term has passed, I bought: 



These are my fav lunch during last term!

Before the trip to Spain and london Christmas,
I never knew that people will wake up that early and queue up in front of Selfridges during boxing day. And  As what i witnessed, 95% of them are Asians.
I never knew a scarf of Tommy hilfiger will cost 35pounds, which is considered quite cheap because it is a half price.
I kind of forgot what Yamame sells.
I dont quite know Aldo actually sell girls' shoes.
And I never know La Senza starts selling guys' stuffs too.

Oh dear. I'm not only not a lady. I am an alien from Venus. Hello the Earth. :)

Monday, December 13, 2010


This is so touching. I felt so humble and small in front of this great hero. Every day we spend hours thinking about ourselves and emotionally suffer from grief, anger and worry due to lots of things that trigger us. That's why we were never really happy regardless how high we are, how much things we possess and how many pleasures we enjoy.

And this guy, he rather spend his time sharing the food he has to people, days and nights, not hoping for any fame or rewards.  And he took care of their physical and mental state too. A great Bodhisattva he is! A person's power might be small, but he never underestimate himself. He made full use of his life.

So, let us learn from this great man,

Think less about what we want and what we desire. 
Care more about what they need and how they feel.

Fill our heart with love radiating from within,
Discard any ill will and enmity to the others.

Let us not harm anyone in whatever we do.
And try to help whenever we can.


"Rain drops from the blue sky
like the tears that poor cry,
Let us show them all that we care
Show our loving kindness
So their suffers will soon be gone
And livelihood be joyful again.

We care~ so begin share with others
Deep in your heart
True from your heart to care.
We share~ all the joy with loving care
So hold out hands tight
and start to recite the will of Buddha

Sabbe Satta Sukhi Hontu
May all beings in this world happy too
Never gonna let go 
The message Buddha told you
Stay in us ever forever.." :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010



首先是上个礼拜,我弄丢了我的bus pass和Library card,而且是等到那个人email 我我才知道哦!这是第二次,第一次时我知道我自己在城市里弄丢了,紧张得半死,到处去找,结果幸好有good samaritan检了我的东西,email并还了给我。所以这次我没那么紧张,反正也有人拾到了,可是。。。原来他只见到我的图书馆卡,我的bus pass却不翼而飞了~~ 那两张卡是放在一起的,决不可能掉了出来。我推测是先有人看见了,把library card 拿出来,然后拿走了buspass T。T 可是又能怎么办呢?毕竟都是自己的疏忽~~

不过这还好。因为学期已到了尾声,我还可以买10journey来搭巴士。今天更糟,发现自己的钥匙不见了!!! 其实昨天就已发现了,回家时是室友开门,可是因为我前天晚上回家时记得是自己掏钥匙开门进去,所以满肯定自己一定是习惯性地把钥匙放在房间的桌子上。今天要出门时,才记得要找,可是,不在桌子啊!也不在书桌啊!omg~~ 东找西找,再返回laundry basket 里前天穿的衣服!! 抽屉!!也可能留在客厅!厨房!(因为回来时可能会去厨房偷吃)都没有!! 我近乎绝望,开始想我最近是不是走霉运(难怪人们bek cek 到一种地步会这么想),是不是印堂发黑。。可是又想想自己最近都没有做什么坏事,都try to 行三好,想起佛法说“人为善,福虽未至,祸已远离;人为恶,祸虽未至,福已远离”,就安慰一下自己。找了许久,近乎绝望了,漫无目的地寻找的时后就在我的labcoat的袋子里面听到响亮地钥匙声!真的是柳暗花明又一村啊!

我只知道把东西放去安全的地方,却常常毫无意识地把东西放在一个地方。真的是让我心跳一百的好大的教训啊!从此之后,我真的要下定决心,不要那么粗心大意了,每次做什么,哪怕只是放个钥匙,真的都要sati sati sati 啊!


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Yeepie! ^^

Finished Dispensing practical. Finished patient counselling. It's not that bad and not that stressful actually. But, you know, just tend to get a little bit nervous for the first time. hehe..

and finished Chuck Season one! This is actually a quite funny and thrilling series!
Chuck is sooo nice and kind-hearted, no wonder Sarah falls for him eventually. Mr. Awesome is so awesome, Ellie is so charming, Casey is so cool but kind in his heart also! Thx Andrew for introducing this to us!

Kind of watching The Secret Garden also, until epi 2. Due to the STRONG encouragement of Dudu!!! Dunno why she found it soo funny, it's more or less like any other korean drama actually. In which, you know, the plot isnt really logical, exagerratingly intimate interactions and intense feelings at the first sight..( hehehe) Sorry Yunyi, yr Tamani Island has to wait for a while, I did watch the first 30mins of the first epi really!


Weather: Sometimes we have a mix of summer and winter: We have really strong sunlight and at the same time ice spikes on trees and grasses. And not forget to mention the freezing temperature. hehe.

One week more and we'll be off to Spain!!! Hopefully everything will be alright and i hope there is no strike going on in the Spain airport..kekeke..Bye~

Friday, December 3, 2010


Christmas pressie from University of Bath.
Self-made aqueous cream BP.

Tmr will  be a good good day! ^^