Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Taken from xy's blog:

"Simple thing to do with friendship and family, then, would be to take each moment as being precious and valuable. Do not look back at the past. (especially the quarrels). Do not have expectations of everlasting friendship for the future. Just cherish the present moment, just as we cherish our breath, and make the encounter a pleasant and memorable one."

"Never bring a quarrel to bed- we won't be able to sleep peacefully. And what if we dies in our sleep? We would never get a chance to make things right and if we meet up again in our next life, the unpleasant feelings might continue."

A kite in the Wind by Dr. Chan Kah Yein

From Cyber's blog:

"Why think of the future when you have now?"

I guess I know what I should do now...
Thanks for the inspiration~

Monday, March 30, 2009

佛法培训营 佛曲分享


在我心中有一份这样的缘 感觉上它是万世的亲缘

或许你我的感觉 不一样 愿你来结缘

在我心中有一个这样的家 感觉上它是我前世的家

百年前我曾经来过这里 愿你 也一 样

缘之家 万缘汇聚的家

在这里有我的慈心 在这里有你的悲愿


Oh... 缘之家我们心灵的归宿 Oh...缘之家我们生命的家

在流转的生命历程中 让我们不再流浪不再虚空

让我们以智慧心菩提行 来拥抱喜悦的缘

来回归清净的家 Oh... 缘之家

佛法培训营 佛曲分享



谁能够划船不用浆 谁能够扬帆没有风向
谁能够离开好朋友 没有感伤
我可以划船不用浆 我可以扬帆没有风向

Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's kind of torturing when you get addicted to something.
Sometimes you don't even know you're addicted to it. To my experience, I'll just be knowing that I always want somemore out of it, I'm enjoying doing that and I might just don't care spending d time excessively for the sake of my favourite. Is onlining r chatting in msn or playing games is considered as one of them? Hmm..kinda complicated to explain the feelings here.

As soon as I learn Buddhism, I try to observe my heart. Yeah, I realised, it is a kind of addiction. Sometimes I just wanna do something without a reason why, and usually it is not the right thing to do at that moment. Do it simply because I feel happy when doing it or because I have been doing the same thing a few days before! Now that I realised that it's not the right thing to do at present moment, I just don't get the power from my heart to stop it. My heart is too weak in making a rational decision in front of those temptations. Breaking of the fifth precept...haha. I should meditate more. Really need to strengthen and train my heart!

This reminds of my meditation class last sun. Some reflections here. As I start observing and counting the breaths, the mind starts wandering around. 1...2...mind thinking of something else...then came to realise that. Start focusing on the breathing again...1...2...3...zzz....4....zzz...5....see a girl walking in my mind. Again the mind wanders around. The first time I came to know that my thoughts are in a such mess. It could be a split second here, another second there. Conclusion: Meditate more. :)

A tree and a piece of grassland somehow came into my recent life. The grassland has been there for sometime, but I don't really observe them, and vice versa. After a few nights of raining and thunderstorm, I feel the change. The grasses grew taller and now I notice them. And I have finally known where's the tree located, I have been searching it for sometime. Talking craps here...haha...back to the Addiction, ya i notice something else. When I thought that I'll get it in time, I don't feel like wanting it coz it's not the best thing that I want. But when it fades away, my heart somehow desires it. So conclusion: People don't really know what they want. Or it's me don't really know what I want in my life.

Hey, it's late now Carol, why are you still here? Yr clothes are halfway being packed. Forget about the other things, back to your normal life now. Life goes on. :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009


昨天傍晚,到KL 的茨场街附近的般若人文寺去见妙赞法师,讨论关于传承营的东西。


虽然没把功课赶完,却上了生命的一堂课,今天真的不枉此行!回家途中,想起师父的忠告,想起今天特地来陪我们全程的 bro Jeffrey,政纲师兄和毅华师兄,以及毅华师兄用心burn给我们的CD,心中尽是满满的温暖与感动。
