兄弟三:欧洲兔,一个经年累月呆在笼子里的动物,可怜... 大家别误会哦,我可不是故意把他软禁在兔笼里的,要怪也应该怪在那两只衰狗 Bee Bee 和 Rockey 的头上!他们总是虎视眈眈地盯着兔子,只要我一接近他,B & R 就会发晒狂似地蹦跳乱吠,好像恨不得把他吃进肚子里!不过有时候我放他出来自由活动一下时,他都会跳呀跳的离我远远的,好像他额头上贴了“生人勿近” 招牌,不然就是我的额头上写着“我要吃掉他” 五字。其实一直很想放生这只兔子,可是又不动要放去哪,大家有什么好地方不妨提出来。
Oh yeah, that's my brother no. 3! It's an Australian rabbit, given by my uncle a few years ago, which has been living comfortably in its small cell for such a long time. It's not my fault that I have to keep it in the cage all the time! I think you'll agree with me if you have seen how my dogs ( Rockey and Bee bee) show their ferocious look on this pity pet, each time barking in estacy and preparing their sharp claws and teeth wanting to feed on it whenever it has a tiny little chance to get out of its cage. Poor rabbit it is! Besides, I guess it doesn't has a much good impression on me too. Its cautious look at me constantly gives me signs of warning that I shouldn't get any nearer. I'M A STRANGER. I have been wishing to set this poor rabbit free, but I just couldn't find an ideal place to keep it safe from those predators out there. If you know any of these places, why don't you give me a suggestion?
我的宝贝 - 代表着长寿,和平的龟龟!基本上我喜欢的宠物都应有如此特征:有意义,养容易! 就是那种你不理它十天八天它也会坚强地生存下去的动物,容易照顾又不惹你麻烦。所以呢,我最怕养鱼了,他们的生命真的很脆弱,会随时命在旦夕的! 大家是不是很奇怪,做么两只龟不一样Size 的? 其实就是一个吃多,一个吃少。大的是母的,所以说女人吃太多真的会变胖!他们两的性格也有点不同,和我的狗唯一的共同点是? 对了,又是喜欢打架,咬来咬去的鸳鸯!不过这对乌龟是异性的,我的狗狗都是公的。希望他们多多培养感情,将来交配生蛋...哈哈!
Ouh, these are my favorite pets: turtles which represent peace and longevity. Basically I'm fond of those pets which have the following characteristics : meaningful and easy to keep! Which means, even if you put them in a desert for a week, they can still be alive and kicking; They are so easily to be taken care of and wouldn't cause you any unnecessary troubles. So, my turtles suit all the traits, and that's why they are my babies! When I first took them home, they were so small and almost the same size. But now, you look! One is bigger than the other now! It's related closely to their diet actually. Even these two turtles have different characters, but there is one thing they have in common with my dogs : They just like to fight and bite each other! There are so many wrestling champions in my family huh...-.-''..And 1 thing worth noting is my turtles aren't herbivores- so be careful as they might bite your fingers off!
See, she's cute! She has big round eyes and a fair skin color compared to hey husband.
Ah, it's crawling on the floor. Sometimes when I try to communicate with them, their fear towards me will lessen, and they seems to understand what I'm saying. ( Unlike my rabbit which still treat me like a STRANGER!)
Hey Besan~
Rupa-rupanya my besan's family got big big oso got small small members. haha.
quite nice o ur bros~
btw, we witnessed tortoise mate and saw how tortoise eggs look like in penang. haha. ok. 18sx. sorry.
And tat rabbit hor, I think after being in a cage for a while, I dont think he's smart enough to find food on its own and not alert enough to predators ady o. so u gotta ask the professionals whether how to set it free.
SUPER GLAD to see u in blogger!! haha. link u up too~
hey! Thanks for yr introduce to blogspot.com! Wow, i'm quite curious how they actually mate! Rmb to tell me at school wo..hehe..
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