Friday, January 22, 2010


今天是平静的一天,天空好像下雨了,看见窗口有许多小小的雨滴。中午时刻,到宿舍外面走走,看到那青青草原,令我想起了在般若学舍里的花园。把学校当成是另一个般若学舍,经过的路人都是善知识,善心之人,渐渐地,心安了起来,脚步也变得轻快极了!有时,不是外在的环境变了,而是自己用什么心看世界,就会变成怎样的世界。是好是坏,是美是丑,完全是我们所诠释的。所以,多往好处想,坏的会变好,好的也会变得更好!但在这之前,先要懂得分辨善恶,勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。让我们学习刘三好的精神, 存好心,说好话,做好事,这个世界就会真正的和平了。


Thursday, January 21, 2010


I somehow feel that, " People tend to post more during exam period" said by someone, is indeed true. Initially I did not agree with that but as we can see, blogging is another effective way of releasing stress apart from eating and facebooking. And the doctor told me that it is better to blog than to playing (nonsense) game in fb. Sounds quite true wo~

So what's today? I discover another style of eating tortellini which is a quicker and healthier way~

Deng deng deng deng..!! this is my lunch today. Basically, prepare the broccoli and mushrooms and tortellini, pour everything into a pot of boiling water and get the water drain off after 5 minutes or so. Then stir them with half spoon of butter and sprinkle on top with some grated cheese. Haha, actually it is not a new way to cook though!!!
As I am posting this, my flatmate Jessica comes into my room with her plate of lunch. I though my lunch was healthy and great, but after seeing hers, i finally understand what is 一山还有一山高~ Honestly.. I am hungry now, again! She's eating so deliciously now. Gosh~~~

And ya, today my friend walked a dog and she brought the dog over for us to see! He is a whisky and his name is Coldie (is it?) and he is very obediently staying there! And then we discover that his eyes are of different colours! Lili said this is natural for the whisky.


And then I was a bit free so i read gengwai mama's blog. She wrote about new year resolutions. I have thought of this long time ago but seriously I don't know what should I resolve to? is that because I am living pretty satisfactorily now??(lol~haha~) lol, no matter what, after reading hers I started to squeeze out some ideas about mine too!

So here it comes...

1. 常随佛学
2. 越活越清醒, 越活越满足
3. 减少掉举
4. 多发善心,多存好意,广结善缘
5. 生活有规律
6. 跟爸爸妈妈公公婆婆保持联络
7. Strive towards the Pharmacist goal
8. Treat every day as the first day of a new year, so that i will be reminded of my resolutions every day!
9. Don't know
10. Don't know

haha, resolutions 1 to 6 can actually be put in the same categories. But else, I don't know what the others that I should put in! Okay, it's time to study again, so ciao~ hehe

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


看了此御守的人,一定要开开信心,信心大增噢~ 考得不满意的朋友,不要放弃,明天继续努力,只要有信心,幸福跟着你!准备中的朋友,不要压力,松松筋骨,换换口气!想一想,我们是幸福的,因为还可以上大学,考状元!我们可以不考试,可是我们要吸取知识帮助别人,所以我们才去考~怎么样?换个角度想就没那么压力了!你们是最好的,你们知道吗?

最后,送给所有的爱人们及esp 灵灵~
PS:灵灵,bickie,gengwai, superant, etc etc,这是专门送你们的噢!嘻嘻

好啦,新年也快到了~~~ 祝大家新年快乐!心情也要新一新哦!

Spot the difference

这几天读书读到累了,就会上facebook 玩这个:Spot the difference - 一个大家都在着迷的游戏!玩这个游戏,正好能训练我们的专注力!(玩游戏的借口)如果眼神散乱,毫无次序地在两图间飘忽,就会事倍功半。



Tuesday, January 19, 2010


when you study you use your brain more, when you use your brain more means high cell metabolic activity, more ATP has to be generated, more glucose gets oxidixed, that's why - we get hungry easily. hehehe..a solid excuse for me to eat more then!

Where the sweet things come..

Hey,this is crazy! Sainsbury is selling these type of mullers 6 at 1.45 pounds! Cheaper than LIDL~~But this one is muller light

Chocolate sweets given by Jessica. Melts in the mouth~

Pudding is always a refreshing one.

See, if i can resist myself from eating, i can save more than 5 pounds for the charity.

Oh my, sati sati sati~

Saturday, January 16, 2010

5 pounds

What can you buy with a 5 pounds note?

Hmm, let's see, 5 pounds are actually equivalent to ( or also include)...

Two and a half box of Ben and Jerry ice cream ( 2 pounds each during Tesco sale season)
One meal of lunch with a dessert in Level 1 cafe in Uni of Bath
One and a half colourful scarf at QS
One box of special Ferrero rocher in duty free airport
One month lebara top up for my handphone
One fun-fare bus ticket to London
1/3 of the amount of bill for my weekly grocery
One meal of Nando's worth around 4,60 pounds
4/5 pan of pizza in Italy
Not even a shirt in River Island, Dorothy Perkins, and other branded shop
Not even a night to pay during the travel

Do you realise, half of the things above were bought just to make our life richer and more comfortable in living? Here's another choice where u can spend your 5 pounds note in a meaningful way:

Give them a proper shelter

Provide them with food
Give emergency medical relief
Let their beloved ones rest in peace

So that the homeless children has a home to go to..

Can you imagine when we're sitting comfortably as an negligible dot in the world's map,there's a portion of the residents of the Earth are struggling painfully to stand up from the devastation and a totally hopeless state? They are more brave and strong than us, and all they need is a little support from each people living in the same earth as they are. By only a few clicks in the official website of the Disaster Emergency Committee, we can send our little help to the people needed in Haiti. It is as easy as buying books online. :) Here's the website: or Text "GIVE" to 70077 to donate £5 to the DEC Haiti earthquake appeal.You pay £5 + your standard network SMS rate. The donation is deducted from your phone bill.

If we afford to buy what we want more than what we really need, why don't we consider sparing a very tiny part of the money to them? Together we can make a difference to the world. That's what I always believe. You too, right?

Friday, January 15, 2010


刚才读书读到累了,便miss call妈咪和他们skype 了一下。 妈咪今天竟然兴致勃勃地说故事给我听 (finally不是在一开始便问我一系列的问题了。。哈哈哈~)

古仔一: 前几天她和表姑姑婆去kl一个五星级hotel免费住宿一晚,还有免费的high tea 和breakfast ler!听说那里的床好舒服,有好多个枕头~~ 可是她晚上却睡得不好因为表姑们都“睡得太熟”了!跟她说我summer回来想去新加坡和sabah 玩,她的response 竟然是:“不如我们那时再book hotel 给你享受一下!” @.@ lol~

古仔二:我的表弟表妹终于“远征”去了- 是参加NS 啦!哈哈!被派去sarawak的表妹,之前和她msn时万般不甘愿去酱,现在才两个礼拜竟然玩得连新年不想回家~~ 我的阿姨真的gek sam 咯~~ 感到欣慰的是,她在那里似乎过得很好哟,也认识了新朋友,而且每个星期可以去佛堂吃素。。太好了!!一天五餐的制度,相信参加过政府camp的都懂,在芙蓉的表弟说每天吃得饱到半死,那里的表妹却投诉吃不够,有次她想加菜还被auntie骂~ 可怜她了!

古仔三:和妈妈谈着,爸爸突然zom近来,拿着报纸拼命往webcam show我海地灾情的情况与图片!幸好我之前有作准备功夫,浏览了一下海地的灾情,知道发生了什么事。惭愧,今天才正式得知那里的严重状况。多少高楼倒塌,多少人命伤亡,怎能不起恻隐之心呢?愿在世界各地的朋友,踊跃捐款,帮助远方的灾民渡过难关!

古仔四:新年要来了,大家都很忙!妈咪也很多东西做。好消息是 - 爸爸终于肯自动自发帮忙屋子油漆了!! 妈咪说今年有马票中咯!哈!

古仔五:昨天才写完“叮咛”,今天妈咪竟然出奇不意的问我:昨晚几点睡?(她好久没酱问了)哇,吓我一跳!幸好昨天有良好纪录。。今晚她说十一点要睡,我@o@ 做不到~~ 赶紧改去十二点,希望自己说到做到!

爸爸妈妈晚安咯~ 又是读书的时候了!

Thursday, January 14, 2010



功课温习了没,几时考试? (妈:整天忘记跟我们讲,你应该把考试时间表写在白板上嘛~)

现在,赫然发现,个个 “不” 字藏着无限的爱意,逆耳必是忠言。



Quote from xy's blog:
" May i reflect..that i need to do what has to be done when it needs to be done."


让我们一起来学习吧!照顾好自己,便是对父母最好的报答。所以。。朋友们,我们别再熬夜了啦,伤身! 哈哈!
