Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A card from mom


Today I received a card in a pink envelope. My name and address was typed on it. Looking at the back, what? it's my home adress. It must be my mom who said she want to post a card to me (despite that it was a few days before my birthday!) I said no need since it is already that late, but she insisted that. So she quietly did so.

Oh, it's my first time ever in life to receive a birthday card from my parents, come to think of that. Haha! That is so sweet although not that surprising :P My mom's handwriting is still as usual, so neat and much more elegant than mine. Awwww,my heart is full of love. Althought the internet is so advanced now, a card made of paper sent by post still make a big impact to the person who receive it. It is something you can touch and hold dearly to your heart.......And something I can put at a corner of my room. Awwwww...

Like the quote in the card saying,
"Having you as a daughter has brought some wonderful feelings...
happiness at seeing you grow into such a kind, giving person,
pride in the way you follow your dreams, 
and love -just for being the incredible daughter you are!"

Love makes the world go round!

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